Spin Flash Dryer Design Calculation at Design

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Spin Flash Dryer Design Calculation. Simprosys 2.1 software package was used to simulate the drying operation and mass/heat balances calculated to determine the dryer design variables. The simple spin flash dryer is designed to handle materials that can be suspended directly in air.

FLASH DRYER Saka from sakaindia.com

Flash drying is a continuous process with the dryer being either directly or indirectly fired. Various types of spin flash dryers designs are available based on uniform / non uniform particle size of the feed. Whenever possible to apply heat direct to the material to be dried, rotary dryers of the direct heating design are used.


If the throughput of the dryer is 60 kg of wet product per hour, drying it from 55% moisture to 10% moisture, the heat requirement is: In drying of wet solids, the following main factors, which essentially are used in process design calculation of dryers should be defined in accordance with mass and heat transfer principles, process conditions and drying behavior: Force is dependent on velocity, cross sectional area, density and viscosity. Flash drying is a continuous process with the dryer being either directly or indirectly fired.